International Menopause Day – 18th October

Oct 18, 2024 | Health & Wellbeing, Womens Health

Happy International Menopause Day

The transition into the post menopause years is a really important and significant phase of a woman’s life.

Health wise, the research shows that more you support your health and well being through this transition, the better your health and quality of life in your later years. It’s not just about living long, it’s about living well – being healthy and happy, active, enjoying life, bringing your experience and wisdom to others, and doing more of what you love.

The common narrative on menopause is negative, but by now you will know me well enough to know that’s not my style.

Where focus goes, energy flows. If you look for problems you will find them. If you look for blessings you will find them. You get to choose. You probably already know that though right? You’re a wise woman in your ‘second act’ and you’re stepping into the best years of your life.

In the spirit of bringing you the Bliss on World Menopause Day, here are some common ‘symptoms’ women experience;

Increased self-confidence – Many women feel more empowered and confident as they become more in tune with their own needs, and care less about what others think of them.

Clarity of purpose – This phase often brings greater insight into what truly matters in life, leading to a focus on personal passions, purpose, and legacy.

Rediscovering passions – This is a time when many women explore hobbies, travel, or projects they put on hold earlier in life.

Wisdom and perspective – Having lived through different phases of life, women in menopause often gain a broader perspective on life. They often have the capacity to hold space for others and can offer valuable insights and guidance.

Freedom from menstrual cycles – No more periods, PMS, or the need to plan around menstrual cycles!

More time for self-care – With children grown and careers established, many women find they have more time to focus on their health, well-being, and personal growth.

Stronger sense of identity – Menopause can inspire women to reflect on their accomplishments and step into a renewed sense of self. The previous years were likely focused around being mum, wife, employee, but now is the time to become who you truly are, with all your gifts, talents, experience and wisdom on board.

A fresh start – Menopause often marks a ‘second act,’ where women feel the freedom to reinvent themselves, try new careers, start their own business, or launch creative projects.

Deeper connections with others – With life experience comes wisdom, and many women build more meaningful relationships, based on authentic connection and understanding. There’s just no space for BS anymore!

Emotional resilience – By navigating hormonal changes and life transitions, many women develop stronger emotional intelligence and resilience. With the life experience they have, they are less likely to get caught up in emotional drama, knowing with confidence that this too shall pass.

Greater appreciation for and emphasis on health – In their earlier years, women often focus on everyone else, they just never seem to have time for their own health and self care. Now the menopause transition brings their own health and mortality to the forefront of their mind. They have the time and the inclination to make some big changes that will pay off for many years to come.

If you are woman in your second act, keen to make the rest of your life the best of your life and ready to step in to the life of your own design, I invite you to join my Facebook CommunityThe Second Act Women’s Vision Incubator. This space is designed for incredible women aged 40 and up who know that their time is NOW! Come and join us in this safe and supportive space where we encourage each other and nurture our ideas into reality.

Disclaimer: This information is for education purposes only and should not be taken for medical advice. Always consult your own trusted physician prior to making any changes to diet and lifestyle or following any protocols you may find online. This article may contain affiliate links.