Dry Skin Brushing – Benefits and Techniques

Apr 4, 2024 | Health & Wellbeing, Cleanse & Detox

It took me until I was almost 50 to try dry skin brushing. This was because I always thought I was too busy, and so couldn’t see the point in taking the time, but now I know better! 

It turns out this ancient practice, often overlooked in modern skin and health care routines, actually offers a wide range of benefits for both the skin and overall well-being, from exfoliation to lymphatic support. By incorporating this ancient practice into your daily regimen, you can enjoy smoother, more radiant skin, improved circulation, and enhanced overall well-being. It’s a simple process that anyone can do themselves at home.

So what is it exactly, and how do you do it?

Dry skin brushing involves using a natural bristle brush to gently massage the skin in sweeping motions, moving always from the extremities towards the belly button in the centre of the body. It’s best to do it before you take a shower or bath.

In case it isn’t obvious from the name, dry skin brushing is performed on dry skin. You may experience some exfoliation and tiny skin cells may leave your body as a dust. For this reason it’s a great idea to do it in the shower cubicle if there’s room, before you turn the water on of course. This way, any ‘skin dust’ will be contained, and washed away when you take your shower.

Image Credit : Reignite

How to Dry Brush

  • Choose a natural bristle brush. Look for brushes with firm bristles, but not too harsh to avoid irritation. This is the one I use
  • Begin dry brushing at your feet, using gentle upward strokes. Work your way up your legs, thighs, and buttocks, always brushing towards the abdomen to encourage lymphatic drainage.
  • Next, brush your arms, starting at the hands and working your way up towards the shoulders.
  • Use circular motions on the lower abdomen and lower back.
  • Be cautious around sensitive areas such as the breasts, using lighter pressure or skipping these areas altogether. Avoid the face. (You can get a softer brush too if you really want to do the face).
  • After dry brushing, shower to wash away the exfoliated skin cells and toxins released during the process. 
  • Follow up by nourishing the skin with a natural oil or shea butter

Benefits you may experience

Exfoliation: Dry brushing helps to slough off dead skin cells, promoting smoother, softer skin. By gently buffing away dull, dry patches, it reveals a more radiant complexion underneath.

Stimulates Circulation: The circular motions of dry brushing stimulate blood flow to the skin’s surface, promoting a healthy glow. Improved circulation also supports the skin’s natural detoxification process, aiding in the removal of toxins.

Lymphatic Support: One of the most significant benefits of dry skin brushing, and the reason that I decided to give it a go, is its ability to stimulate the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in immune function and detoxification, and dry brushing helps to facilitate lymphatic drainage, thus reducing inflammation and promoting overall health.

Cellulite Reduction: While dry brushing alone may not entirely eliminate cellulite, regular practice can help reduce its appearance by improving circulation and lymphatic drainage. This can lead to smoother-looking skin over time.

Stress Relief: The gentle, rhythmic motion of dry brushing can have a calming effect on the body, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Incorporating dry brushing into your daily routine can serve as a soothing self-care ritual.

Dry Skin Brush by Reignite

Why not commit to dry skin brushing every day for a month and see what you notice? If you decide to make it a habit, I have found it’s helpful to buy a second brush so you can wash one and still have a dry one ready to go. 

Disclaimer: This information is for education purposes only and should not be taken for medical advice. Always consult your own trusted physician prior to making any changes to diet and lifestyle or following any protocols you may find online. This article may contain affiliate links.