Cleanse & Detox

Dry Skin Brushing – Benefits and Techniques

Dry Skin Brushing – Benefits and Techniques

It took me until I was almost 50 to try dry skin brushing. This was because I always thought I was too busy, and so couldn’t see the point in taking the time, but now I know better!  It turns out...

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Easter Breakfast Cake

Easter Breakfast Cake

This is a healthier alternative to an Easter Simnel cake. Spiced with cinnamon, clove and nutmeg, and based on oats and fruit rather than flour and sugar. Great for a morning tea, and with it's...

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Does slow and steady really win the race? 

Does slow and steady really win the race? 

The myth of moderate change When making a decision to become healthier, do you believe it’s best to approach the change with a series of small incremental steps, or would you be best off jumping...

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