Health & Wellbeing

4 Ways to Escape the Busyness Loop

4 Ways to Escape the Busyness Loop

When you ask someone how they are, how often do you hear the response “busy!”? Maybe you even say it yourself. I am certainly guilty of that. More and more commonly we are taking on more. A career,...

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5 Health Hacks for Optimal Thyroid Function

5 Health Hacks for Optimal Thyroid Function

The thyroid is involved in nearly every process in the body and greatly influences your overall health and quality of life. With thyroid conditions becoming more and more prevalent, knowing how to...

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What is a Healy?

What is a Healy?

Updated 18th July 2022 Healy is a wearable device that can generate specific vibrations to support your health, well-being, and balance. I know! It took me a while to take it all in and accept that...

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Foods That May Help Lower Blood Pressure

Foods That May Help Lower Blood Pressure

Did you know that research has shown that several common whole foods may reduce blood pressure? 🫐 Berries are at the top of the list. Blueberries and strawberries, high in anthocyanins seem to have...

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